Authentic Chanel Multicolor Mink fur Classic Single Flap bag

[lushentic grade replica bags] 时间:2025-03-16 20:13:31 来源:mini blue chanel bag 作者:lushenta 点击:117次

This how to check hermes bag authenticityis an authentic rare Chanel bag made of multicolor mink fur. It is very rare and stunning.

It is in good condition. Signs of wear include thinning fur in some areas which is typical for the age. There is a balding black patch on the front bottom middle. It feels rough to touch and while it’s black, there is not much black mink fur there. It’s not very noticeable (in my opinion) and doesn’t take away any beauty from this bag. The bag with the different color mink is amazing in various lighting.

I love this bag and cannot find another like it available anywhere. The photos include a COA and a market value analysis done just last month. It said the value was $7,000 - $10,000.

Please review all photos and I did my best to provide photos and describe the condition. This will be shipped to eBay authentication and they will inspect the item to make sure it matches the listing and photos, and item is as described. Then it will be shipped to you. The process can take a while due to the slower than normal mail service these days.


Thank you

(责任编辑:lushentic grade louis vuitton)
